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    Dehydrated Garlic suppliers The high-quality 100% garlic powder is processed through selected peeling, panning, baking, selection, grading, packaging, and other processes. The color is bright yellow, no black spots, moisture content of less than 6%, low sulfur content, sulfur dioxide content Less than 20PPM, no pesticide residues, microbiological testing does not exceed the standard, do not add any food additives, do not add preservatives, product long shelf life.They are dehydrated 100-120mesh 100% garlic powder. The trace element selenium , through participating in the blood’s aerobic metabolism, removes toxins and reduces the detoxification burden of the liver, so as to achieve the purpose of protecting the liver. 100% garlic powder has the effect of improving glucose tolerance of normal people, while also promoting the secretion of insulin and increasing the utilization of glucose by tissue cells, thereby lowering blood glucose levels.Dehydrated Garlic suppliers website:http://www.dbspices.com/dehydrated-garlic/