• biw226 publicou uma atualização 2 anos, 11 meses atrás

    How to Pick A Lawn Mower

    According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), traditional gasoline lawn mower is a public nuisance to say the least. Using one of them for an hour generates as many volatile organic compounds—

    dangerous airborne pollutants known to exacerbate human respiratory and cardiovascular problems—as driving a typical car for 350 miles. The EPA estimates

    that, with some 54 million Americans mowing their lawns on a weekly basis, gas lawn mower emissions account for as much as five percent of the nation’s

    total air pollution. Beyond that, homeowners spill some 17 million gallons of gasoline every year just refueling their lawn mowers.

    So what’s a green-minded property owner to do about keeping the grass down? Go electric, of course!

    Electric mowers, which either plug into a wall outlet via a long cord or run on batteries charged up from the grid, create no exhaust emissions and run

    much cleaner than their gas-powered counterparts. They also need less maintenance, with no spark plugs or belts to worry about, and are easier to use, as

    they tend to be smaller and come with push-button starters. The icing on the cake might be the fact that electric mowers are cheaper to run, using about as

    much electricity as an ordinary toaster. Most electric mower owners spend about $5 a year on electricity to keep their grass trimmed just right. The non-

    profit Electric Power Research Institute reports that replacing half of the 1.3 million or so gas mowers in the U.S. with electric models would save the

    equivalent amount of emissions of taking two million cars off the road.

    But going electric has some minor trade-offs. Electric mowers tend to cost up to $150 more than their gas-powered counterparts, and the plug-in varieties

    can only go 100 feet from the closest outlet without an extension cord. And the cordless models last only 30-60 minutes on a charge, depending on battery

    size and type, though that’s plenty sufficient for the average lawn (just remember to re-charge it in time for the next mow).

    And, of course, just because electric mowers don’t consume fossil fuels or spew emissions directly doesn’t mean they are totally green-friendly. Most

    people derive their household electricity from coal-fired power plants, the dirtiest of all energy sources. Of course, running an electric mower on

    electricity generated from clean and renewable sources (solar, wind or hydro power) would be the greenest of all possibilities, and those days may be upon us
